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10 Top Tips for Writing for the Web

Kelly Owen • Sep 06, 2017

Follow these basic rules to get more out of your online content

This free guide contains ten ways in which you can improve your online content.

Tip 1 - First things first

There’s a lot of information out there already.

Do you have to write this page? Is the material already on another page on the site?

Can you link to it to avoid duplicating effort?

Tip 2 - Page length

Stick to one topic per page. But don’t try to fit too much in.
If your page extends way beyond a screen’s worth, think again.
You can probably break it down into more digestible chunks.

Make sure each page is self-contained.
It should make sense as an ‘island’ of information: your reader can access it from anywhere.

Tip 3 - Write for your reader

Imagine who visits your site – what they like, what their attitudes are and what they’re looking for.
Keep these typical visitors in mind as you write for the web.

Remember, people generally don’t care why you’ve decided to do something;
they just want to know how it affects them.

Tip 4 - Watch our word count

Use fewer words and shorter paragraphs than you would if writing something for printing.

We read words 25 per cent slower on screen.
Use our 10 Top Tips to Writing Well to produce concise, unambiguous text.

Pay special attention to sentence length: if in doubt, put that full stop in.

Tip 5 - Get to the point

On the web, you need to make sure you get your main message across in the first couple of lines.

Don’t mess around with background and waffly welcomes.

Give answers before explanations, summaries before details, and conclusions before discussions.

Include detail if you need to, but organise your material so that this comes further down the page.

Tip 6 - Subheadings are key

Use clear subheadings to break up the text and make it easy for your reader to scan the page.

Make subheadings explicit and use keywords if possible. Combined, your subheadings should tell the story.

Tip 7 - Use (but don't abuse) keywords & SEO

Don't overuse keywords in your body copy.
Remember to write for your reader first and foremost, then consider what keywords your reader will be
searching for and ensure your copy uses them.

Think 'Would I share this?' Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is more than keywords,
it's about writing engaging content that other people want to promote by linking to it or sharing it. Search engines
then see your page as trustworthy and authoritative, and push you higher up the keyword ranking.

Tip 8 - Hyperlinks

Use meaningful link text for hyperlinks, so readers know where the link will take them.
Don’t use ‘click here’.

Tip 9 - Make it easy to read

When people read online they scan for information, so make the text as clear and easy to read as possible.
Remember they are only likely to read about 20% of the text, so make your words count!

Use relevant images, diagrams, or videos to support the content and break up the copy on the page.

Use white space to visually separate the information.

Use bold to highlight key words in the body copy.

Don’t use italics. They are difficult to read on screen.

Use bullets to break up the text.

Tip 10 - Keep up to date

Review your web pages regularly, making sure any dates are current.
Out-of date information will undermine the content of the whole site.

Download these top tips here .

Employing the services of a professional SEO copywriter is a cost-effective way to ensure your writing works well online.

The copy team at Ultimate Proof Ltd know how to create copy that catches your readers' attention and encourages them to respond.

We understand that businesses need to work with people who can write copy efficiently and accurately, working effortlessly
with designers and
communications professionals.

We also create simple business text style guides that you can share with your staff and suppliers, to ensure all your writing
works well.

We hope these tips have helped you, if you'd like to know more, please get in touch.

Hands working at a laptop with a notebook and mug on the desk
By Kelly Owen 20 Jan, 2024
In the fast-paced digital world, your website serves as the virtual face of your business. Ensuring that it is polished, error-free, and professional is essential for making a positive impression on your audience. Proofreading your website thoroughly is a critical step in maintaining a high level of credibility. Here are five key elements to focus on when proofreading your website: 1. Check spelling and grammar The importance of correct spelling and grammar cannot be overstated. These errors can significantly impact the perception of your professionalism. A website riddled with typos and grammatical mistakes may give the impression of carelessness, potentially turning away potential customers. Take the time to review all written content on your website, from product descriptions to blog posts, ensuring that it is clear, concise, and error-free, or better still, employ a freelance proofreader who can really look at it with expert and fresh eyes. 2. Use consistent branding and tone Consistency is key when it comes to branding and tone. Ensure that your messaging aligns with your brand identity across all pages. Inconsistencies can create confusion and dilute your brand's impact. Pay attention to the tone of your content as well – whether it's formal, casual, or informative, maintain a consistent voice throughout your website to establish a strong and recognisable brand personality. 3. Test the functionality and user experience Beyond textual content, the functionality and user experience of your website play a crucial role in its success. Check for broken links, missing images, or any other technical issues that might hinder the user experience. A seamless, user-friendly interface not only improves the overall perception of your website but also contributes to higher user engagement and satisfaction. 4. SEO optimisation Optimising your website for search engines is vital for attracting organic traffic. While proofreading, pay attention to your meta titles, meta descriptions and keyword usage. Ensure that your content is not only well-written but also includes relevant keywords to enhance its visibility in search engine results, but don't stuff them in! A well-optimised website is more likely to rank higher, increasing its chances of being discovered by a broader audience. 5. Ensure mobile responsiveness With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, it's crucial to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. Test your website's responsiveness on various devices to guarantee a seamless experience for users regardless of the platform they are using. Mobile responsiveness not only improves user satisfaction but also contributes to better search engine rankings, as Google prioritises mobile-friendly websites. Proofreading your website is an ongoing process that directly impacts your online presence. By meticulously reviewing these five elements –spelling and grammar, consistent branding, functionality, SEO optimisation and mobile responsiveness – you can ensure that your website reflects the level of professionalism and attention to detail that your audience expects. A well-proofread website not only enhances your credibility but also contributes to a positive user experience, ultimately driving the success of your online presence. Find out more about outsourcing to a professional proofreader at
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